Marilyn Bier, the executive director at ARMA International, recently posted an article (entitled "Businesses Still Lag Best Practices in Information Management") that documents the results from ARMA's 2009 Record Management survey (of ARMA International members and information professionals).

Although companies seem to understand the reasons why information needs to be better managed, the lack of progress is disappointing. Particularly unnerving is the fact that companies are not training their own employees (who create all this information in the first place) on their respective roles and responsibilities for managing this information (for reasons of data security, data privacy and legal discovery).

Marilyn says it best: "The evidence is clear; it’s time for organizations to step up and tackle the information management challenge. Paying lip service to the importance of information management isn’t enough. It’s time to monitor adoption and educate and train employees for information management excellence."

Thanks, Marilyn. I couldn't have stated it better.

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