Philip Kotler, Robert C. Wolcott and Suj Chandrasekhar recently wrote an article in The Wall Street Journal on Product Development entitled "Playing Well With Others".
Marilyn Bier, the executive director at ARMA International, recently posted an article (entitled "Businesses Still Lag Best Practices in Information Management") that documents the results from ARMA's 2009 Record Management survey (of ARMA International members and information professionals).
Should software startups adopt a formal project management methodology?
This was the subject of a recent online discussion in LinkedIn’s Project Management Institute Group.
I recently attended a project management webinar sponsored by the International Institute for Learning as part of my effort to earn PDUs (aka Professional Development Units) to maintain my PMP (aka Project Management Professional) certification.
During the webinar, the instructor polled the audience about their challenges in managing projects. The participants – made up largely of certified IT Project Managers – cited a number of factors.